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Sunday, June 19, 2011

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sai07-09 11:37 PMI am in the same boat..
If we have a gap between the expiry and new EAD card,
we should not work thats for sure,
but wont have any issues of going out of status during the gap?

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rb_24801-08 02:46 PMI read on www.immigration-law.com

01/08/2009: Bill Introduced in the House for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Rep> Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas introduced H.R.264 yesterday to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to comprehensively reform immigration law, and for other purposes. For the full text of the bill, please stay tuned.



Title: To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to comprehensively reform immigration law, and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila [TX-18] (introduced 1/7/2009) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 1/7/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Homeland Security, and Oversight and Government Reform, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.


I don't think they will act on this until the economic issues are resolved.

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neverbefore05-12 01:53 AMFolks

Wanted to ask if the sporadic reports one hears of unexpected delays in H1B stamping at US consulates in India due to "security checks" (link to NPR story (http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2009/05/07/pm_h1b_limbo/)) are becoming more the norm rather than the exception. Any ideas?

Should then one consider using their AP instead?



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a1b2c307-10 07:26 PMa1b2c3....hang in there.....Sept might bring more good news.......

Based on the bulletin, I see the bulletin is based on report from July 9......so it is likely there is more spillover and might move another 3 years...Just being hopeful.....:-)

I'm pretty sure it will. Hope you get your card soon. I got already my card but I still get tensed up when the visa bulletin is out :D. And I still haven't stopped visiting IV. I still get the retrogression night mares :-)

The writing is on the wall, as far as I see it.
When you put in sufficient years of work ex on EB3-I, change your job to the one requiring EB2 qualifications (if you have US masters it makes it even easier to justify EB2 ) and your PD will get carried forward, unchanged, to EB2 without issues.
Most EB3-I seniors (PD upto 03) would have already gotten to senior positions with the same employer, so the original job app for the EB3 labor would have been null and void in any case ;)
Going by the past trend, EB2-I PD will continue its onward march next fiscal year.


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rameshavula06-15 08:04 PMFor me I noticed the Alien # issued on the OPT card. And I noticed that my lawyer always used the same A# for my H1-B petition.

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pani_611-16 04:15 PMCelebrated for Krishna killing of the evil Narakasura.Unfortunately..this has become commercial like chirstmas and people forget the real reason and start interpreting thier own stories..it also marks Ram's return to Ayodhya after defeating Ravan.


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vxg06-25 12:34 PMKinko's did it for me for $24 6 photos very good quality.

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gultie2k07-07 01:42 PMGanguteli and Saxena...

Even though your intention may be right...the means is not. Hoping for bad of others to get help is SICK!!


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cjagtap07-17 07:14 PMdonation is a good idea..

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Motivated06-18 11:34 AMdonated $50; learned about the organization on June 8, participated in the event - not knowing any of the issues. Was an eye opener to the legislative process. I did not do much, just accompanied the IV members to the meetings - these members were well prepared to present the case as well as to answer questions. I am impressed, and here I am registered and donated.
Thank you IV for being pro-active. Feels good to be part of the action.


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memyselfandus11-19 07:03 PMSeewa helps people who have undergone similar experiences as you did. Call them for advice and help. If they can't directly help you atleast they can refer to a proper organization that would.

SEWAA - Service and Education for Women Against Abuse (http://www.sewaa.net)

All the best.

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sundarpn07-19 11:10 PMhave the same q. I was told not to change till EAD comes. But with this flood gate open that could take long.

I don't want to be stuck to the same apartment!! This 495/GC crap is affecting even basic decisions!


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krishna_brc05-05 08:54 AMYes, we don't need original I-485 receipt notice to travel.
I traveled without original I-485.
see below for USCIS note on this
[Federal Register: November 1, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 211)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Page 61791-61793]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]
Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
__________________________________________________ ____________________
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents
having general applicability and legal effect, most of which are keyed
to and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published
under 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents.
Prices of new books are listed in the first FEDERAL REGISTER issue of each
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
8 CFR Part 245
[CIS No. 2420-07; Docket No. USCIS-2007-0047]
RIN 1615-AB62
Removal of Receipt Requirement for Certain H and L Adjustment
Applicants Returning From a Trip Outside the United States
AGENCY: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, DHS.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This rule removes the requirement that certain H and L
nonimmigrants returning to the United States following a trip abroad
must present a receipt notice for their adjustment of status
applications to avoid having such applications deemed abandoned. The
purpose of this narrow change is to remove an unnecessary documentation
requirement from the regulations that the Department of Homeland
Security has determined causes an undue burden on H and L
DATES: Effective Date: This rule is effective November 1, 2007.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Carol Vernon, Regulations and Product
Management Division, Domestic Operations, U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services, Department of Homeland Security, 20 Massachusetts
Avenue, Room 2034, Washington, DC 20529, telephone (202) 272-8350.
I. Background
Travel outside the United States for an alien who has filed Form I-
485, ``Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status,''
to obtain lawful permanent resident status under section 245 of the
Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. 1255, may adversely
affect that application unless the alien takes certain steps before the
trip. Most applicants must obtain permission from U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS) to travel prior to the trip, a process
referred to as ``advance parole.'' See 8 CFR 212.5 (c) and (f). For
these applicants, departing the United States without advance parole
while their adjustment of status applications are pending results in
automatic abandonment of the applications and constitutes grounds for
denial. 8 CFR 245.2(a)(4)(ii)(A) & (B).

III. Rulemaking Requirements

DHS finds that this rule relates to internal agency management,
procedure, and practice and therefore is exempt from the public comment
requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) under 5 U.S.C.
553(b)(A). This rule does not alter substantive criteria by which USCIS
will approve or deny applications or determine eligibility for any
immigration benefit. Instead, this rule relieves a document
presentation requirement for certain applicants for immigration
benefits. Specifically, this rule removes the requirement that H-1/H-4
and L-1/L-2 nonimmigrants present a Form I-797 receipt notice for their
adjustment of status applications upon readmission to the United States
after a trip abroad in order to avoid having their applications
abandoned. This document presentation requirement is unnecessary since
it concerns information that is already available to DHS. This final
rule merely eliminates an unnecessary burden on these arriving aliens
and streamlines agency management of its processes. As a result, DHS is
not required to provide the public with an opportunity to submit
comments on the subject matter of this rule.
Moreover, DHS finds that good cause exists under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B)
to make the rule effective upon publication in the Federal Register
without prior notice and public comment on the grounds that delaying
implementation of this rule to allow for public comment would be
impracticable and contrary to the public interest. As a result of
USCIS's July 17, 2007, announcement that it would accept employment-
based Forms I-485 filed by aliens whose priority dates are current
under Department of State Visa Bulletin No. 107, USCIS received an
unprecedented volume of employment-based applications for adjustment of
status, including those filed by H and L nonimmigrants. Because of the
recent surge in such filings, it will take several weeks for USCIS to
enter the necessary data and issue Form I-797 receipt notices for
employment-based adjustment of status applications. Therefore, it is
important for this rule to take effect as soon as possible to avoid
undue hardship on applicants who may need travel outside the United
States prior to receiving the receipt notice.
In addition, no substantive rights or obligations of the affected
public are changed by this rule. DHS believes the public will welcome
this change. The public needs no time to conform its conduct so as to
avoid violation of these regulations because the rule relieves a
requirement of the existing regulations. Further, this rule will have
no adverse impact on DHS' adjudicatory responsibilities or ability to
track the foreign travel of affected persons since DHS already records
the admission of all nonimigrants. For these reasons, this rule is
effective immediately under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(1) and (3).
This rule relates to internal agency management, and, therefore, is
exempt from the provisions of Executive Order Nos. 12630, 12988, 13045,
13132, 13175, 13211, and 13272. This rule is not considered by DHS to
be a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 12866,
section 3(f), Regulatory Planning and Review. Therefore, it has not
been reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget. Further, this
action is not a proposed rule requiring an initial or final regulatory
flexibility analysis under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601
et seq. In addition, this rule is not subject to the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq., Title
II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, 2 U.S.C. Ch. 17A, 25,
or the E-Government Act of 2002, 44 U.S.C. 3501, note.
Finally, under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-
13, all Departments are required to submit to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB), for review and approval, any reporting requirements
inherent in a rule. This rule does not affect any information
collections, reporting or recordkeeping requirements under the
Paperwork Reduction Act.

List of Subjects in 8 CFR Part 245

Aliens, Immigration, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

Accordingly, part 245 of chapter 1 of title 8 of the Code of Federal
Regulations is amended as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 245 continues to read as follows:

Authority: 8 U.S.C. 1101, 1103, 1182, 1255; sec. 202, Pub. L.
105-100, 111 Stat. 2160, 2193; sec. 902, Pub. L. 105-277, 112 Stat.
2681; 8 CFR part 2.

2. Section 245.2 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(4)(ii)(C) as

Sec. 245.2 Application.

(a) * * *
(4) * * *
(ii) * * *
(C) The travel outside of the United States by an applicant for
adjustment of status who is not under exclusion, deportation, or
removal proceeding and who is in lawful H-1 or L-1 status shall not be
deemed an abandonment of the application if, upon returning to this
country, the alien remains eligible for H or L status, is coming to
resume employment with the same employer for whom he or she had
previously been authorized to work as an H-1 or L-1 nonimmigrant, and,
is in possession of a valid H or L visa (if required). The travel
outside of the United States by an applicant for adjustment of status
who is not under exclusion, deportation, or removal proceeding and who
is in lawful H-4 or L-2 status shall not be deemed an abandonment of
the application if the spouse or parent of such alien through whom the
H-4 or L-2 status was obtained is maintaining H-1 or L-1 status and the
alien remains otherwise eligible for H-4 or L-2 status, and, the alien
is in possession of a valid H-4 or L-2 visa (if required). The travel
outside of the United States by an applicant for adjustment of status,
who is not under exclusion, deportation, or removal proceeding and who
is in lawful K-3 or K-4 status shall not be deemed an abandonment of
the application if, upon returning to this country, the alien is in
possession of a valid K-3 or K-4 visa and remains eligible for K-3 or
K-4 status.

Dated: October 15, 2007.
Michael Chertoff,
[FR Doc. E7-21506 Filed 10-31-07; 8:45 am]


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ilikekilo09-18 05:42 PMany recent EAD approvals? we applied on aug 11 and did FP's on sep 8th, i e filed...mine expires on oct 30th ..please advise..mine is at NSC

the processing dates show may1....and i am moving to a new emplyer on oct 13th and i dont want my new empllyer to get shocked saying my EAD expires on Oct 30th..any suggestions are apprecaited


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currentlydependent03-17 02:40 PMAlthough it might seem very appealing to put in multiple applications to increase the chance of obtaining a visa, one would actually be aggravating the situation than alleviating it. So the thought process should be how can one prevent the lottery situation from arising.. applying for a single visa on a requirement basis should suffice. That said it is unfortunate that the current situation and cap forces us to think of ways to resort to finding loop holes and take un-required actions. In an ideal world they should increase the cap. But whatever cap we have now, does not give us the right to jeopardize others chances of getting a visa. We should work this out together. Lets not clog the system.
Imagine hearing from somebody that they have a visa they never used when you don't have one, don't be that somebody.
I am currently on a dependent visa and have to go through the H-1 process. I have a masters and have every intention to stick to that quota and apply only one.

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jotv10-16 11:31 PMthanks and i am expecting more details


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seahawks09-11 08:02 PMCongratulations, we have 23 members join the local WA state chapter! Welcome everyone who signed up. Calling all WA state, Oregon members to please sign up with the group link below. We need as much support as we can to support IV initiative.

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conchshell04-24 10:30 AMThanks Arnab221 for posting the schedule. April 30th is the hearing date, and we know the members of this committee:

and the members of the sub-committee:

What are we waiting for guys, lets start a letter campaign (to express our problems) OR flower campaign (to convey our thanks for looking into this important matter).

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eb3retro09-25 10:41 AMgood one.

zofa3009-13 04:21 PMHi a_yaja,
Thank you very much for taking the time to give me an example. I appreciate it. I just have some comments/questions that will further clarify the situation for me.

1- You mantioned "For your date to be current, the cut-off date has to be July 8th, 2010 or later." I think you ment that the cut-off date has to be July 7th, 2006 or later because my Priority Date is July 7th, 2006 based on the example you gave?

2- Could you please guide me to the bulliten that states the cut off date for countries. That will help me to understand if it worth to worry about porting the PD or not.

3- I am not from China or India. Is that mean the priority date is current for Eb-2 + perm (employment based (2nd category))? If this is the case why should I worry about porting PD from old EB2 to new EB2?


eucalyptus.mp02-17 08:46 PMDo I need recent salary slips for transfer ?